



Tuesday, August 9, 2016

A Trip to Caranavi Part 3

The rest of our first day in Caranavi was spent resting, Jonathan, Andrew, and I climbing to the top of the mountain that the orphanage is built on, and watching a wonderful movie with some of the kids.

But none of these minor events compare with what we had planned for the next morning. A game day! My mom got the idea from our co-op, which had a game day every year for their grade school.

But what kinds of games, and teams? Most of the games were  relays. A balloon pop relay, and two kinds of ball relays. There was also a game called clothespin tag, which all the teams participated in. There was the blue team, light blue team, orange team, green team, and red team. I was the  captain of the orange team. The teams were so noisy that my mom grew hoarse trying to shout out instructions! We all laughed at the kid's antics and cheering!

When the games ended, my mom handed out goody bags to all, and started cleaning up. Right afterwards, the staff started serving lunch. That served us salad, rice,blank, and papaya. I sat next to the babies and toddlers. The babies were so chubby (!) and serious, falling asleep one at a time, or eating their food all by themselves. The toddlers were cute, asking me my name and my mom's name, etc. every minute instead of eating their food. There was one girl called Peniel, who is loved by everybody, that sat next to me. She has a heart problem, and the director will soon take her to the United States for a second operation. When everyone was finished she was still eating, barely halfway done with her food. I am glad I spent time with her. The Lord has given me another person to pray for!

That day was the birthday of Josiah (a baby), and Lola (one of the toddlers). We sang happy birthday and prayed for them! Then we all had devotional time where Mrs. Charo read and discussed Romans 8:35-39. Afterwards, I met girls my age and got well acquainted them. Too bad I only stayed long enough to make aquaintances and not friendships.

While my mom packed all our things, Andrew, Jonathan, and I played Foosball. Four other kids joined us, and we played and played for an hour or two. We screamed and laughed a lot! What a great time we had!

That same afternoon we left Caranavi sadly. You can't help but fall in love with the orphanage. Our trip back to La Paz was made by day, so we saw more of the road and view. The change in the weather and altitude proved to be too much for me. We were all affected with nausea and headaches. Now we're doing fine, and already packing to leave La Paz and fly home!!

God is doing great things in Casa de Esperanza! He has blessed our trip there!

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