



Sunday, July 24, 2016

Andrew's Bad News

As the family's blog writer, it's my duty to tell about the good as well as the bad things that happen on our trip.

Yesterday, we ate pizza and ice cream with our cousin and his wife (newly weds might I add). We had just come home, super tired and super full except for my two brothers. Always brimming with energy, they started playing an indoor game they had invented.  Then Andrew fell and hit his head on the side of a low kind of bench. Unfortunately, it opened a bleeding gash. Though it wasn't extremely big, it was big enough for the ER. It was the day we least expected it, and we had to host a pot luck for the ladies of our church that night. God works in mysterious, but beautiful and edifying ways throughout our lives. This was one of those times for the Locklin family! We prayed for peace and healing for my mom and especially Andrew.

We've had all our bad accidents and stitches in past visits to Bolivia. And every time God has never failed to bring healing and blessings to everyone! This time was no different. In fact, 45 minutes after their hasty departure, my mom and brother returned. Usually, they would have to wait (somtimes a long wait). But this time they didn't have to wait at all, and Andrew was treated quickly, with the result of six stitches on his forehead. He feels fine now, and is as active as ever! Please keep praying for him.

God is good!


  1. Praying for quick healing, Andrew! Blessings to all of you! Victoria, you are doing an amazing job!

  2. Andrew - Hope you feel better soon! Love you.

    Tio Tracy

    1. Gracias tio Tracy! Muchos saludos.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Andrew - Hope you feel better soon! Love you.

    Tio Tracy
