



Friday, August 31, 2018

Pray for Bolivia

Hola everyone! Today I just wanted to let you know a bit more about the state Bolivia is in right now, and how you can pray for this needy country.

It is safe to say Bolivia is one of the poorest countries in the world. Its president, Evo Morales, has been in office for about 12 years. 12?? Yes, even though he was only supposed to be in office for four years, he's done everything to extend that time. Unfortunately, Bolivia isn't the States, and that means more short-term presidents rising to power by force, and only for their own benefit with little or no thought for the good of the country. Now, people fear Evo Morales is turning the nation socialist. Please pray that democracy and religious freedom would win out, and that Bolivia wouldn't become another Venezuela in the future. Also, please pray that in the coming elections Evo would not try to extend his term again, but would respect the nation's original democratic principles, and that the new president would turn out to be better by God's grace.

Pray that Christianity would grow and thrive in this country instead of its pantheistic religions. Christianity is prominent, but the church is struggling, and native religions are supported by the government and are growing. Please pray that God would strengthen believers in Bolivia, that they would "not grow weary of doing good" (Galatians 6:9) but would "press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 3:14) Pray that those believers would not only be strengthened, but would be filled with the Holy Spirit. Bolivia needs believers with the gifts of service and evangelism.

Please pray for Bolivia's unbelievers; the indifferent, the hypocrites, the ones incredibly hardened by poverty. Pray that God would reach into their hearts and transform them as only He can do. Pray that God would raise up a generation of evangelicals not afraid of the world's persecution or its despair, but a generation that would stand on God's Word and shine as brilliant lights. Like any country, Bolivia has a variety of problems that can only find their solution when its people turn to Christ.

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