



Friday, August 31, 2018

Adios for now!

Hola everyone! My family and I enjoyed wonderful times in Bolivia this summer, but all good things draw to a close sooner or later. We have been adjusting to life in the States for four days now. Throughout our trip to Bolivia this year, we saw much of Bolivia's landscape, both desolate and urban, and not only tasted but lived immersed in its culture for two months. We loved tasting different foods, walking and shopping in the city streets, and talking with close as well as extended family. This lovely country has shown us things we'll never forget, and Lord willing we'll be back in two years!

Thank you so much for visiting Bolivia with us through this blog. Thank you for reading and for your prayers. A special thanks to all who donated to Casa de Esperanza, the orphanage in Caranavi. It was truly amazing seeing how God used the funds I raised. I remember the director Fidel asking me if I had any specific purpose for the money, and his amazement when I said no. You see, the staff had been dreaming about building several workshops for the kids on the second floor of their office building. And now here was the money to get it started! Thanks to you, it was the first donation to go toward the workshops. The project started the very day I handed the money to the directors. When people saw the construction beginning, they also donated for the workshops. Now, the walls are up! Again, thank you so much for helping these workshops get started.

It's been a fabulous adventure and an amazing vacation for the Locklin family! Hopefully I'll be writing again in two years to update everyone on our next adventure there!

Lovely scenes from our travels.

Adios for now!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Victoria! Lydia Hoverson here. This is awesome!!!!!
