



Friday, June 29, 2018

Old Friends, New Friends

Hi everyone! Much has happened since I last posted! 

Going back to last Saturday...

My mom has kept in touch with her school friends for the longest time. These are friends she grew up with ever since kindergarten! Whenever we visit Bolivia, she makes every effort to get together with them. This time, one of these friends had us all over for lunch! To us kids, it was a great time for food and games! For my mom and her dear friends, it was a sweet time of catching up on each others lives, reminiscence, prayer, and laughter. 

Pique Macho, a Bolivian dish consisting of sliced
hotdogs, beef, eggs, French fries, and onions.

True friendships never die! 

It was precious to see such familiar faces, but it was also sweet meeting new faces later that day. For years and years my Uncle Rudy and Aunt Doris have been involved in ministering to "los niños del monte." (The kids from the hill) These are kids who come from poor families living on one of the more mountainously steep parts of La Paz. We arrived in the middle of one of their Bible studies! Earlier that day, my aunt had asked if my brother and I could recite a few Bible verses for the kids. After the Bible study ended, we did just that, and by God's grace were able to share the gospel with them as well! The rest of the afternoon flew by. We formed friendships with several of the kids and had a great time! The girls I talked with had several questions, both about the US and my spiritual life. Their deep questions surprised me a bit, but then again, I know these kids have never had the easy life I have in the United States. Many of them are probably not growing up in a Christian home. Many grow up looking after themselves and learning things the hard way. They have questions and they are searching. Their need touched my heart and they are now in my prayers. Now I appreciate my aunt and uncle's spiritual involvement in their lives more than ever!

So ended another exciting day in Bolivia. We loved getting to know our friends here even better! Adios for now!

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